
punch除了有「用拳頭揍人」的意思外,也有按按鈕、用打洞機打洞的用法.,toenterinformationintoacomputerorotherdevice,usingkeysorbuttons:Thinkbeforeyoupunchinyourcreditcardnumber.,2023年12月20日—touseaspecialclocktorecordthetimeyouleavework·下班打卡.(TranslationofpunchoutfromtheCambridgeEnglish-Chinese ...,Punchin/outisanaudioandvideotermthatoriginatedasarecordingtechniqueusedonearlymultitrackrecord...



PUNCH IN | English meaning

to enter information into a computer or other device, using keys or buttons: Think before you punch in your credit card number.

PUNCH OUT in Traditional Chinese

2023年12月20日 — to use a special clock to record the time you leave work · 下班打卡. (Translation of punch out from the Cambridge English-Chinese ...

Punch inout

Punch in/out is an audio and video term that originated as a recording technique used on early multitrack recordings whereby a portion of the performance ...

Attendance Punch-in Punch

2023年11月22日 — This is a basic requirement for every employee and organisation. You can record your attendance on the website or from the mobile app.

Punch In and Punch Out

The punch in and the punch out points are a pair of markers that you can use for punch in and punch out recordings. The punch in position determines the ...


2021年8月16日 — 一次三個英文單字】 講到工作日常,腦中立即浮現三個字: punch in 上班打卡Your home is only three minutes away from your company.

Punch-In and Out Systems

2023年12月18日 — A punch in and out app is a specialized mobile application designed to enable employees to conveniently record their work hours and attendance ...